Bulk cargo
Bulk cargo

Bulk cargo

By officially exploiting bulk cargo on March 2020, Nam Hai port brings new solutions for exploiting bulk ships and project cargo in Hai Phong upstream area.

Nam Hai Port has lots of experience in port operation that can quickly exploit key commodities such as iron and steel, paper, soda powder, trucks,… with a volume of 300,000 tons/year.

Full package service:

  • Loading/discharging: from a few tons to hundreds of tons
  • Lift on/lift off: from 5 to 22 tons
  • Forwarding: road, river, sea, multi-modal, …  for domestic and international customers
  • Towage
  • Trucking: trucking fleets for long distance and OOG 

Nam Hai Port is committed to providing services professionally, quickly and efficiently to carriers, agents and shippers.